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Natural & Safe

Environmental enrichment stimulates the animal's interaction with its environment for a better welfare and an optimized behavior. Besides natural and clean bedding, the wide range of natural enrichment material is the perfect supplement. SAFE® Enrichment guarantees highest quality and product safety.

  • enrichment products made of 100% natural raw material
  • promotes activity and natural exercise
  • stimulates the natural instincts of nesting, gnawing, chewing, exploring and playing
  • reduces abnormal, aggressive or apathetic behavior
  • supports thermoregulation and keeps warm

Premium Scientific Enrichment


SAFE® nesting small
SAFE® nesting small
SAFE®  compact nesting small
SAFE® compact nesting small
SAFE® nesting large
SAFE® nesting large
SAFE® compact nesting large
SAFE® compact nesting large
SAFE®  block small
SAFE® block small
SAFE®  block large
SAFE® block large
SAFE®  block XL
SAFE® block XL
SAFE®  block beech XL
SAFE® block beech XL
SAFE®  block gnawing
SAFE® block gnawing
SAFE®  block XXL
SAFE® block XXL


SAFE® comfort white
SAFE® comfort white
SAFE® comfort soft
SAFE® comfort soft
SAFE® comfort natural
SAFE® comfort natural


SAFE®  crinklets natural
SAFE® crinklets natural
SAFE® compact crinklets natural
SAFE® compact crinklets natural


SAFE® roll
SAFE® roll


SAFE® compact hay
SAFE® compact hay


SAFE® smart
SAFE® smart

Values published in the product data sheets available on this website are provided for information purposes only. SAFE® does not assume any liability for the use of the information. 

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SAFE® compact – Preportioned Enrichment

The innovative solution for an easy dispensing of enrichment materials for small and large rodents. Portion controlled enrichment saves storage space, transport and handling costs!

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The Ideal Enrichment Combination

Several well-proven combinations can be used. The SAFE® customer service would be pleased to advice you. Example of recommended combination:



SAFE® compact nesting small


SAFE® block for playing and  gnawing

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Proven Innovation Process

Proven Innovation Process

See Further SAFE® Products and Services

SAFE® Bedding


Clean & Natural 

SAFE® Diets


For the Security of your Research

SAFE® Custom Diets


Specific Diets for all of your Research Programs

SAFE® Services


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